EPG President 2023-2026

Rohan Lewis

Rohan Lewis graduated with a PhD from the University of Auckland in 1998. He then did postdoctoral work at the Universities of Cambridge and Southampton before being appointed as a Lecturer at the university of Southampton in 2005. In 2012 he was prompted to Reader, and in 2017 to Professor of Placental and Integrated Physiology.

His research focuses on the placenta and how it functions to support fetal development. Good placental function is important as babies who are born heathy are likely to remain healthy for longer across the lifecourse. Rohan takes an interdisciplinary approach combining functional studies with multiscale 3D imaging and mathematical modelling to develop an integrated understanding of placental function. An example of this work is the recent discovery of trans-syncytial nanopores  [https://doi.org:10.1093/evolut/qpad209]https://doi.org:10.1093/evolut/qpad209 .

Rohan has been attending IFPA and EPG events since 2001. He has been on the EPG council since 2019 and was elected president in 2023.