Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo

Oslo PregnancyBiobank – Oslo universitetssykehus (oslo-universitetssykehus.no)

Main placenta-related topics:

Oslo Pregnancy Biobank has since 2001 recruited women  during pregnancy/delivery (incl. placenta and decidual tissue collection) and 1-8 years after their index pregnancy. Our long term goal is to improve maternal and fetal health, and use pregnancy findings (eg. Placenta-related biomarkers) to identify individuals at excessive risk for long-term disease. We seek to determine the mechanisms linking placental dysfunction and later female cardiovascular health problems, and to identify new targets for early prevention of CVD in young women.

Another main placenta-related  topic of the group is senescent/postterm placentas and their biomarkers.

Techniques & Technologies:
• Diagnosing uteroplacental acute athorosis (IHC)
• Microchimerism and link to atherosclerosis
• Angiogenic biomarkers

Principal Investigators
• Anne Cathrine (Annetine) Staff
• Meryam Sugulle

PhD students & Postdocs
• Daniel Pitz Jacobsen, postdoc
• Kjartan Moe, MD, PhD
• Patji Alnaes-Katjavivi, MD; PhD
• PhD students:
• Heidi E. Fjeldstad
• Sophie Bowe
• Birgitte Mitlid-Mork
• Ingrid Fosheim

• Lise Ø Levy